

Dental Services in Modesto, CA

As a provider of dentistry in Modesto, California, Paxman Dental does its best to make sure you get the treatment you need. Dr. David Paxman is able to provide a wide selection of services, including:

Cosmetic Dentistry

If you would like to improve your smile’s appearance, come to our dentist at Paxman Dental. Dr. David Paxman provides many different ways to change your look with cosmetic dentistry. Learn more about the dental treatments we provide below.

● Dental Veneers● Invisalign® Clear Aligners● Retainers● Teeth Whitening

Dental Cleanings and Exams

For a healthier mouth and a better smile, plan your dental cleanings and exams with Paxman Dental! When patients take the time to visit our practice, our dentist can make sure that their smile is healthy for years to come.

Dental Technology

Dental technology includes a number of cutting-edge tools, equipment, techniques and materials we use at our office to ensure you receive high-quality, gentle care.


Dr. David Paxman is able to treat all areas of the tooth, both inside and out. If your tooth is bothering you, your smile may need an endodontic treatment.

Pediatric Dentistry

If you are looking for a family practice you can trust with your child’s dental care, we invite you to visit Paxman Dental. At our office, your child’s health and comfort are our priority.

Biomemedic Dentistry

If your teeth have been damaged, Paxman Dental can determine the right treatment for your specific needs. Our dentist can offer many different dental restoration services, including:
● CEREC Same-Day Dental Crowns● Dental Bridges● Dental Fillings● Dental Implants● Dentures● Implant-Retained Dentures● Ridge Preservation● Implants● Dental Sleep● Orthodontics● Tongue-tie release

Scaling and Root Planing

When your dental health is threatened by disease, our dentist can offer thorough scaling and root planing treatments in Modesto, California.

Tooth Extraction

When this is necessary, our dentist will do everything he can to make sure the removal goes as smoothly as possible.

Home Sleep Test

● Uneven bite● Premature wear● Chipping● Grinding● Snoring

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Our office offers a full array of dental services to help you create a satisfying smile.